

Become an Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner (AGPCNP) to assess, 诊断, 治疗病人, as well as help educate them about self-care 和 exp和 access to primary health services.


护士 在美国排名第一的职业.S. 新闻 & World Report's Best 100 Jobs list for 2024. 而且,根据 U.S. 劳工统计局,他们分享 the #1 ranking for fastest-growing occupation in the country with an expected job growth rate of 45% through 2032 — 15x the national aver年龄. 



Online, synchronous courses (with in-person clinicals)


Two to three years, depending on your schedule

我们的临床协调员 shape a clinical experience tailored to your specific goals

10%的学费补助 为GMercyU毕业生准备的



护士从业者在未来十年预计增长最快的职业名单中名列前茅. As a University that is deeply rooted in cultivating intellectual inquiry, improving the human condition through social justice, 和 has been an educational leader in Nursing for 60 years, 我们坚定地致力于提供教育经验,准备护士从业人员的医疗保健的未来.

—丽莎•约翰逊, DrNP, CRNP, ACNP-BC, Associate Professor & DNP / NP协调员


What sets us apart from other AGPCNP programs? 格温内斯默西大学的成人-老年初级保健护士执业跟踪提供灵活性和方便,你需要. Earn your degree full-time or part-time in two to three years while continuing to work. 

我们的高级实践护理项目与整个宾夕法尼亚州的医疗附属机构和临床站点有着广泛的合作关系. 在AGPCNP项目学习期间,您将能够利用许多不同的机会获得第一手临床经验. 

格温内斯大学护理研究生项目的临床经验与其他NP项目的不同之处在于,NP学生与金伯利·凯利之间的个性化合作伙伴关系, MSN, ANP-BC, 临床协调员. Once you've been admitted to the program, you will have the opportunity to meet Kimberly, who will take the time to underst和 your unique needs 和 goals, shaping a clinical experience tailored to you. This planning process begins nearly a year before your first clinical rotation, 在此期间,金伯利将与您的临床导师和现场联系人密切合作,以确保您顺利入职. This preparation allows you to focus on your primary objective – learning. With the support of your dedicated GMercyU team, 你不仅会成功地驾驭你的NP项目,而且在你毕业后很长一段时间内还会继续得到支持.

毕业后, 你将有资格参加由美国护士资格认证中心和美国护士从业人员学会提供的董事会认证考试.

A Leading Regional Nursing School for More Than 60 Years

For more than two generations, 格温内斯仁慈大学’s Frances M. 马奎尔护理与卫生专业学院一直是该地区高级护理实践教育的领导者. We've earned our reputation as one of the best nurse practitioner schools in PA, 由于我们的小班授课和个性化的方法,帮助您实现您的高级护理职业目标. The 教师 members we select bring clinical expertise, 学术严谨, 和 a passion for the nurse practitioner profession.

GMercyU Nurse Practitioner programs prepare you for the responsibilities of primary care. 在整个项目过程中, 您将扩展您的医疗保健知识和临床实践技能,并从配备成为健康从业者和倡导你的病人需要的程序出现.

As a graduate of our MSN Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner track, 您将能够:

  • Collaborate with colleagues 和 patients to provide 和 improve advanced nursing care
  • 通过诊断和治疗急性和慢性健康问题,展示作为护士的专业知识
  • Demonstrate professionalism as a nurse practitioner grounded in the Mercy tradition
  • Demonstrate social responsibility for individuals, 家庭, 和 communities within the context of a multicultural society
  • 根据实践标准和道德规范,利用知识在高级护理实践或护理教育的特定领域提供全面护理
  • Strategize to improve health for all by influencing policy
  • 综合护理和相关学科的知识,作为护士从业人员循证实践的基础
  • 承担在解释和促进高级护理专业成员的领导作用, 到其他学科, 对消费者来说
  • Contribute to advanced nursing knowledge through scientific inquiry

In our AGPCNP program, you will complete 43 credits with 585 clinical hours. 在这里查看学习计划样本.

Core Course Requirements for Master of Science in Nursing 项目

努尔500 Advanced Pharmacology for Advanced Nursing Roles
努尔510 Advanced Pathophysiology for Advanced Nursing Roles
努尔570 先进的评估 & 高级护理角色实验室
努尔530 Theoretical Foundations for Advanced Nursing Roles
努尔610 护理研究方法论 & EBP
努尔535 领导 & 卫生政策

Adult Gerontology Nurse Practitioner Program 课程

努尔572 角色转换一
努尔573 角色转换II
努尔630 初级保健I -介绍
努尔633 初级保健IV -青少年(12-18岁)
努尔634 初级保健V -青年(18-29岁)
努尔635 初级保健VI -中年成人(30-55岁)
努尔636 初级保健VII -老年人(56岁以上)
努尔637 初级保健八——妇女健康 & 怀孕
努尔638 实习我


许可: This program was designed to meet national licensure requirements. Carefully review the process of your home state’s licensure requirements. 欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的网站 程序许可要求页面.

丽莎•约翰逊丽莎•约翰逊, DrNP, CRNP, ACNP-BC
Associate Professor, DNP/NP Program Coordinator

Dr. 约翰逊于2023年7月加入格温内德仁慈大学,担任副教授, after teaching 和 directing in a variety of graduate nursing programs in the region. Dr. Johnson received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from Wilkes University (’99); Master’s Degree in Nursing from The University of Massachusetts (’04); 和 Doctor of Nursing Practice (DrNP) from Drexel University (’11).

She is an ANCC board-certified Adult-Acute Care Nurse Practitioner. 她曾在波士顿和费城担任各种ICU角色的BSN准备护士. 自2004年以来,. Johnson has held nurse practitioner positions in the areas of bone marrow transplant ICU, 胃肠病学/肝病学, 传染病, 和成瘾医学. 在这里阅读完整的简历

金伯利·凯利,MSN ANP-BC报道

金伯利·凯利于2022年3月加入格温内德仁慈大学,担任研究生护理计划的临床协调员. 她于1993年获得西切斯特大学(West Chester University)的护理学学士学位,并于2001年获得格温内德仁慈大学(格温内斯仁慈大学)的护理学硕士学位。. She is an ANCC board-certified Adult Nurse Practitioner. 她曾在宾夕法尼亚州多伊尔斯敦的几个初级保健实践中担任执业护士. She is a member of the Pennsylvania Coalition of Nurse Practitioners.

我们的 高级实习护士 证书(AGPCNP, FNP, PNP)  is available for applicants who already have obtained an MSN degree. 在入学时将完成差距分析,以根据以前的课程和临床经验制定个性化的学习计划.

差距分析是一个过程,包括在入学时对作品集进行审查,并确定是否适合放弃教学和实习要求, based on the previous coursework 和 clinical experiences. This process will be used for students who are MSN-prepared. The purpose of the gap analysis is to build on previously attained skills, to maximize the student’s academic experience, 并避免不必要的冗余.


请致电844-707-9064或发送电子邮件 联系招生顾问或 现在开始在线申请!

GMercyU本地? 参加我们的 晚间研究生课程开放日 4月11日星期四. 查看详细信息,请在此处注册


AGPCNPs provide healthcare for the adult patient population. Board-certified nurse practitioners are licensed to: 

  • Diagnose 和 man年龄 acute 和 chronic health problems 
  • 促进健康和疾病预防
  • Educate 和 counsel individuals 和 家庭
  • Work in coordination with other healthcare professionals
  • Serve as researchers, consultants 和 patient advocates

According to the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 婴儿潮一代的老龄化和慢性病患者的数量将推动对强有力的初级保健服务的需求. 美国人赚的不止1美元.每年访问NPs的人数为60亿, 和, in 2021, the median base salary for full-time NPs was $113,000, AANP报道.

As a AGPCNP, you can work in a diverse array of professional settings, including:

  • Medical practices (example: family medicine)
  • 社区中心
  • Nurse-man年龄d诊所
  • 护士执业执业
  • 济贫院
  • 紧急护理设施
  • 家居照顾服务


